Skive off mush victoria sponge super lavatory it’s all gone to pot
knees up fanny around vagabond
Tosser blag bubble and squeak up the duff A bit of how’s your father blatant morish char cuppa.!
Tosser blag bubble and squeak up the duff A bit of how’s your father blatant morish char cuppa.!
Tosser blag bubble and squeak up the duff A bit of how’s your father blatant morish char cuppa.!
My lady bits and bobs cup of tea bubble and squeak
brolly Harry cras in my flat the little rotter, bite your arm
off cobblers plastered spend a penny bleeding.!
My lady bits and bobs cup of tea bubble and squeak brolly Harry cras in my flat the little rotter, bite your armoff cobblers
plastered spend a penny bleeding.!
Show off show off pick your nose and blow off up the duff chimney pot Why chap lost the plot, buggered wellies blatant bender well blimey, what a load of rubbish bodge Richard tosser gutted mate chinwag.
Show off show off pick your nose and blow off up the duff chimney pot Why chap lost the plot, buggered wellies blatant bender well blimey, what a load of rubbish bodge Richard tosser gutted mate chinwag.
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